Hey . . . Still Alive

Apr 05, 2009 01:50

Yes, I'm still alive. Just been busy. I quit my job back in December and started at Borders again. That lasted through Christmas and now I am once again seeking work. Things at home have been a little tough, but things are starting to look up. I've been spending my time reading and playing a free MMO. I've been trying to write and nothing seems to come out *sigh*

I do have some big plans this year. My friends and I this July will be attending Otakon!! I can't wait to go. It will be so much fun!! Spending time with my girls (and Danny) Always brightens my day!

In August I will be going on vacation with my family. I cant remember where it is exactly, but i know its the beach. The last time I actually visited a beach was with Jess Jess (my first time seeing the ocean)

I am also starting to feel a bit old this year. I'm only going to be 25, but it just seems old to me. I know its not, but hey I can't help how I feel.

So I hope that I can keep this thing up to date and maybe just maybe post a update or new story on here.

Much Love and Razorblade Kisses to you all,
Heather AKA Heartache
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