May 24, 2005 22:13
I couldn't understand more.
Things are finally falling into place... now more then ever. I don't want to be anything, other then me. Sure, it might be from some random song, thats always on 96.3 but it kinda applies right now. I find more and more that if I'm just me, I learn who the people that really count are. No matter what, their the kind of people that will be there... not the ones that are there for when your at your abseloute worst or your abseloute best.. but EVERYTHING inbetween. Those are the people that stay.
Friends come and go, that's just something that happens in life... but me... I'm me forever. That's never going to change. For once, I'm cool with that.
I'm sick of thinking so much about stupid things:
I'm too fat. to skinny.
i wish this was different.
im too emotional.
I wish my hair was longer.
maybe if i didnt have to wear eyeliner.
blah blah blah.
he doesn't like me.
why worry, you only live once right?