hey everyone! so i decided to make a FFn account, because i've decided to seriously try writing some fanfic, wanted to post one or two i've already written, and to more easily keep track of updates of those i'm following :D
linkitylink enjoy! :D
OH. and how is everyone? i miss you all. especially my RP family....we've really fallen off the track, yu guise. it makes me sadzies :(
so i have hs graduation practice in the AM. starts at 8. until 12. like an effing school day. WTF. mehh. oh well. if i drive myself maybe i'll get a coffee on the way :D
i had a little movie marathon with my friend tonight, twilight and new moon. made my day :D even though i'm still a little disoriented from an eye doctor appointment...lol. pupils are almost back to normal size. :P
and i've decided to reread the saga before eclipse comes out. so i have like 20ish pages left of twilight. then to read new moon and eclipse by NEXT WEDNESDAY NIGHT ZOMGOSH!!!! and my sister's friend gave her tix to the advance screening, so i may end up driving her so we can each meet up with our friends :D I AM SO EFFING EXCITED HOLY DAMN. *jumps like a little preteen*
*takes a deep breath* twilighter freakout over. moving on...
and i discovered some new show on ABC called the gates, on right after true blood (SO convenient haha). it was pretty good, albeit pretty weird. check it out, though. i'm looking forward to how it plays out.
OH. and one of my new pairs of shoes, my awesome black-with-bright-colors high tops, one of the snap thingies across the laces came off. so i has to fix, or make nordstrom fix. i love them; i better be able to fix it. if not, fuck it, i'll do without.
hokay. so now that i've rambled, time to bullshit a bit more before beddy-bye.
peace out, cub scouts!