Sep 15, 2009 21:41
soooo it's mah birfday tomorrow. and i'z mad excited to get mah license!! i'm missing at least first period (which i'm kinda sad about, i like english, though the guidance department is supposedly gonna talk to us about college apps so idrc lolz), maybe part of second (psych, which i also like, but we have a test thursday so i don't totally want to miss class to review) and a teensy chance i'll miss third (ap stat...don't like it. but we have a test and i don't want ot have to take it during lunch since i can't stay after school). and i'm trying to get my parents to let me drive back to school after the test lolz...probs won't happen.
my friend that lives two hours away came saturday night and slept over and i got to hang with her, it was lotsa fun ^_^ sunday we went to my temple for this crayon ceremony thing...basically, this organization/committee is collecting 1.5 million crayons to represent the children who perished in the holocaust and then donating the crayons to needy children in schools in the tri-state area. it was really nice, but a lot of talking. so during that i had a little chat with my cantor about my torah portion for yom kippur on the...25ish? and i uh...hadn't even really looked at it since i got it. i've had it for like two months lolz. i think it's the same one i had last year though, so i probs remember it a bit. but i'm supposed to call him this week (i think?) after i learn it so he knows if i know it and whatevs....don't think that's happening, honestly. i'm swamped with school and apps and portfolio work, then rosh hashanah is on friday night...
so on sunday i had a bunch of friends over for a wittle partayy. we had pizza and other snackies and chatted and listened to music, and people slowly trickled in lolz. and there were only like 14 of us, not counting my parents, my sister, her friend, my (3) neighbors, or my mom's best friend and her bf. there was this free Beatles cover band's concert in my town so we went there for like 3 hours and it was AMAZING!!! we played frisbee on the field for a while then sat around on a parachute (some of us barefoot lolz) then danced sorta near the stage. we felt and sorta seemed like hippies and it was so freaking fun. OMG and there was this guy that looked straight outta Woodstock! xD he had the round, gold-rimmed purple sunglasses with the longish tangly blondish hair, straight black jeans and a tan Beatles shirt. then people hung at my house till like 11 and we watched the VMAs a bit. lady gaga was CRAZY, kanye west is an ass (i missed that part, only heard about it), and taylor swift is so adorable.....AND OMG WHO SAW THE NEW MOON EXTENDED TRAILER?!?! OMFG I HYPERVENTILATED AND SQUEALED AND ALMOST CHOMPED THROUGH MY LIP TRYING TO HOLD IN MY SCREAM AND ALMOST TORE HOLES IN MY COUCH. it looks so freaking amazing i CAN NOT WAIT until november for it!!! the coloring is better. kristen is perfect. rob is hot as hell. taylor is a beast. dakota is the PERFECT jane; she looked so creepily adorable. and holy damn. it's over two months away. i just have to get through school adn applications (probs more so, cause if i don't have stuff done i may not be allowed to go) until then. *breathes deeply to hold off hyperventilation*
and i'm pissed that i missed the true blood finale on sunday cause my friends stayed so late. i don't know when i'm gonna watch it...
last night we went to dinner in the city with my aunt and to celebrate my birthday, cause she's in town on business. and it was SO GOOD. and i got this gorgeous necklace from her, i love it so much. the only bad thing about the night was that my mom and i got into a fight about how my apps need to be done and in by december 1 so i can go to USY's IC, and i mentioned that forms are available and she got pissed and said she didn't care, and blah blah...long story short, we both got mad and i started crying. in the middle of a restaurant (hopefully not to the rest of the occupants' attention). with my incredibly sweet and adorable aunt right there, sitting silently and a bit awkwardly at our fight. and what's funny is i didn't even get mad at what my mom was how she said it. i KNOW she means well with her words, but the tone seems to be all i hear because she seems really good at making me feel lousy or extremely untalented or irresponsible...but yea. i felt better after i got real ny style cheesecake with a hot pink candle ^_^ and i was exhausted all day today even though i went to bed before 11:30 and slept later (probably an hour and 20 minutes or so more sleep than i got sunday night)...and i'm so tired and worried about my driver's test and stat test and artwork i didn't do and apps i have to do and the torah portion i need to learn...
gahh i'm getting nauseous just thinking about it all...
think i'm gonna go to bed least getting off here now.
i miss everyone! and i haven't been able to catch up on everyone's posts, so telll me what's going on!
night, loves!
freaking out,
i miss people,
new moon