it's cristmas eve and i've only wrapped two fuckin' presents

Dec 17, 2004 02:45

why do people keep going on and on about the "holidays" or crismahanakwansika as i like to say ...(damn you virgin moble)i mean all i see are a bunch of happy couples stessing over gifts i mean its not the giftd its not even about being together its jesus' birthday besides all the holidays are to me is when that statistics for suicide go up and so do the chances of me being one of em but worst of all is that valintines day is so close after to when i start to belive i can be ok ..BAAM! anothing holiday fir "love" i think i have love sorta but it hurts so i ask "Is love suppposed to be like a knife?"

so happy holidays to thoses who can have em and give a gun to that loney emo kid ... he'll know what to do with it
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