I'll just kill you,

Oct 31, 2004 01:07

For those of you that read this one particulerly, I hope you realise you're going to die. Aren't we all though? But when you think about it, isn't that what we all are only capable of? They say we are all equil, but in reality, the only equility there is is the equality of knowing we shall all die. We will all get the opertunity to die. Though even in that, it doesn't have it's fairness. Some get to choose early, most don't even choose, it happens and then you're like fuck, I just kicked the nigger bucket. The question is, what makes us scream or shiver, or cringe at the sight, sounds, or feel of dying?is it the pain that insures the death? Or is it the mystery of never knowing what's on the otherside. If all that shit they preach at church is true or not. If you've been a ritious person, and even if it all mattered to begin with. You die and it turns out that the person that worshipped satan all his life is poking your naked soul with a hot pitchfork while he has the time of his life. Maybe heaven and hell are having a war and if you serve your country well, you get to go to heaven and be a gaurdian angel. However, if you die betraying your country, then you get shoved into an icey cage which is created by the cold winds Lucifer makes with his wings as he weeps blood and Juda smokes a cig while dangling from one of the three heads of satan. Or maybe this is all crap and no one in the history of life has ever died. Maybe Benjamin Franklin is playing with a t-rex in a land very far away in which all the energies of the earth has gathered in space to creat a humble place. Free of war and religion.

After carefully thinking of everything, I realised that we don't need to think about it. There is a difference between living and to live. I for one am glad to be living, though it does not hurt to stop and think of the already fallen and maybe they will listen. That way, whether they are in heaven, hell, or a different Universe all together, they shall welcome you in open arms to embrace you as if you were jogging a marithon and finally won. This is the part when I should say, "when I die, I'll be sure to..." but I'm not going to think of that anymore. I shall take everyday as it is. No one should go around thinking of pure death all day for you attract only what you think about. Negative always attracts negative. Possitive will attract negative and possitive, but at least the positive shall bring some good friends to handle the negatives for if and when they come.
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