(no subject)

Sep 13, 2005 20:15

I hate my mother soooooo much. Sshe’s sitting right next to me right now, so I’m having to type in white… which means I can’t see anything I’m typing. Basically… I was actually going to talk to her today and say that I was enver going to forget/gforgive but that I would talk to her. Unfortunateely while I was down stairs eating dinner my dad came in in a whirl wind of fury and took away my food… he said food was a privilage. Okay…. Whatever. And then he turned off the TV and said “”TV is a privilege” and then he took away the comics I was erading and said “TV is a privilege.”

I told him I couldn’t c are less
And he said that it was wrong and sick and blah blha blha, just like he says everytime I feel one way about something and he doesn’t agree. Anyway, then I tried to go upstairs and do my homework on the computer and he said the computer was a privalge, and I said that you, I didn’t really intend of graduating from high school anyway. Oh yeah, and this entire time my mom is in the background yelling/talking to me about lord knows what and how horrible I am. She claims she never said those things to me, but she doesn’t remember what she said.
The she said she might send me to boarding school… okay, I think that might actually be fun, but that’s just me and apparently I’m weird. Its not like my family has the money for that anyway.
As much as I want to leave and never see their faces ever again, I am afraid to leave b/c it will change completely everything. But considering the entire family hates me now… EX Kathy said I was a horrible hypocrit. And som other stuff I don’t remember… but whatever, I will live, somehow, lol

Thank god for Renee. She’s offerened me her house. She’s having a family discussion right now about accepting me, since they havenow have a free bedroom. I’d feel horrible imposing on them, but I like Renee and her family. I’ve
Okay, now my mom is talking to me again… in a nut shell… I’m not going to be able to support myself and will flounder and …. I don’t get them. One minute they tell me they are going to throw me out when I turn 18 and the next they are shipping me off to boarding schooland ow she’s acting like she wants to persuade me to stay. I can’t stand her. She says that if I leave I won’t become a better person… well I pseronally don’t think this lifestyle is too healthy for me… byut those are just my thoughts on the matter.

Other news… gawd, I hate my mom, I hate my dad

Other news…. Think think think… positive words! Positive words!

So I got a schedual change today, whats up with that yo? School has only been going on for like 4 weeks now. But only got two classes switched and still have all the same teachers. So its not that bad.

I really don’t like that Rebecca girl that sits next to me in Carritechure graphics. Her name is Rachel. Like we got along okay the first week. But then I was sarcastic with her… actually it wasn’te ven with her. I called Mr. Ford over to help me on the computer and he came and looked at me and she started talking, and so I made a commotion in jest about Mr. Ford ignoring me.

Okay… since this is in white type, I have no idea what I just typed… agh….

It waw

Argh, my dad

Okay.. my dad it talkingt o me and distracting me… what was I talkinga bout…. Ford ford ford…. Anyway, something ha[ppened and now she’s completely ignoring me, that girl that sits next to me… I don’t get it at all. And likem, I said sorry for our misunderstanding and she’s all like “I’m not going to help you at all in this ckass.”

But whatever…
stressing out

I think my head will pop off. Or some other bodily limb… as opposed to an un-bodily limb.

Sut up shut up shut up!


I want to run out of this house and cry.

But I can’t because thye’ve locked the doors. I hate it I hate it.
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