Mar 27, 2005 17:38
hello guys.
i'm bored.
i don't wanna be stuck home this week, so i may be forced into using the phone. or if you guys want to call meee :)
i just don't wanna be bored all week.
here's my schedule so far:
monday: shopping with mom, lunch (maybe with dane too?) evening - free
tuesday: afternoon - free, orchestra at night. i probably could get out of it if i had to though
wednesday: dentist appt at like 10 or 11. hanging out with monica the rest of the day?
thursday: hair cut, lunch with mom, then orchestra.
friday: totally free. DON'T LET ME STAY HOME ON A FRIDAY NIGHT. :)
saturday: totally free again. same message. :)
sunday: probably see dane.
then school. blah.
i wish to hang out with lucrecia and sarah and monica and rachel and alex and dane and the hubbs and heather and ashley and chelle and jes, and everyone i love. we should all meet up and go to the movies one night.
home: 821-4081
cell: 455-6303
CALL ME PLEEEEEEEAASSEEE. So what if i sound desperate? ;)
i love you all so much. please smile and have a great easter!