Long Time No See

Aug 17, 2010 20:01

Sorry for not posting for awhile, but boy, this summer has turned out to be a tough one.  I know I posted a while ago about my grandmother, but more has since happened. My uncle passing away from cancer, finding out a cousin of mine is actually in an abusive relationship with a psycho (not kidding), and school troubles are just a sampling of what has gone on in a matter of months, usually within a matter of weeks really.  So, to say the least, I've been a bit depressed.

And I've been really irritated that I haven't been able to finish a MMV in awhile. Or a fanfic. Grumble!

On the light side, I've joined Tinier Me and have been having fun with that. (In case anyone is wondering, my name is heartofShou there too so feel free to friend.) Also, kat, wanda, and I have FINALLY gotten thing underway for Hitsuzen Studios, our MMV MEP group. It is really successful at the moment with only 3 spots left. We never expected this many members. What a nice surprise!

So right now, I'm hoping to try and get my blog updated and start working on some things. Just wish me luck, ok?

update, private life

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