Seeing Old Characters With New Eyes (open letter to Dirk)

Jun 30, 2011 22:16

 Hey Dirk,

My characters are evolving before my mind's eye! Tyrone's face in particular has become more clear to me. And his voice, too. He talks like a young, awkward, nerdy Malcolm X. Hee! It amazes me just how much surfing on the internet for images and references can affect how a character turns out.

Also I've been reading How To Write a Damn Good Mystery by James N. Frey. Good stuff. It teaches how to make characters (especially heroes and villains) that are fully rounded and dramatic and use their characters to propel the story forward. Once one knows why a character behaves the way they do, one knows what they would do in a certain situation, to the point where they practically write themselves. My villain is writing herself. I am merely her hands.

Now, if only my writing/drawing style were on par with the level of evolution my characters have undergone...

dirk tiede, comics, evolution, writing, drawing, mystery, character development

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