NaNoWriMo vs. Lucidity

Nov 09, 2011 23:29

I shouldn't be updating at night. The combination of drowsiness and highly potent medication makes it difficult to keep any cohesive thought that isn't as simple as "eat," or "go to bed." Sadly the muses for this novel seem to only be active when the sun has set. Which is just as well, I suppose, as mornings are usually busy and by the afternoon, I'm ready for a nap.

I'm also worried about how this will affect my weight. I snack as I write and my nurses want me to lose weight. I'm not eating a whole box of cookies or anything, but sitting on one's but half the day just typing and munching on graham crackers and applesauce isn't the healthiest thing to do. Not physically, any way.

I talked to my beloved starsandauras today. The whole world is pissing her off. It sucks that I can't do anything to help her. I feel guilty.

Time to eat the pain away before heading to bed...

6297 / 50000 words. 13% done!

sleep, nanowrimo, amanda, medication, writing

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