School started 23th August and now I'm officially an IB student. Last year, I was a Pre, which means the year is dedicated for students to prepare for the actual IB course.
Now I'm in IB1 (WOOT WOOT).
It's so nostalgic seeing the Pres come, all confused and not knowing where to go XD Not knowing anything about our teachers and as the "kick-in" (
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well the 50 hour limit hasn't changed and neither have I heard any info about it in school =/ although we do have to continue to do the activities. The 50 hour limit is for passing CAS and then those who have done total of 150 hrs, do not need to do any CAS activities in the last term of IB2. I think that's preety good cause that's the most crucial time in IB 0.0'
anyway, there was a girl who told me "Lella, CAS finns bara till för att lära IB elever att ljuga" >.>
I believe that it's not completely the students fault, the teachers should have warned you cause wth we are lazy XD
LOL men det är faktiskt så. Det finns inte alls många eller rättare sagt, INGA som är motiverad för CAS. så här ser deras journal entry ut:
Today I cycled to school. It was tiresome and I got less sleep.
THAT'S IT! o.0
Jag har inte börjat med TOK än och många säger att det e ba slöseri med tid..
tycker att om det finns nån bra förklaring för IB så e det på uncyclopedia.
klockrent! XDD &hearts
and they can't write that in their diaries! the diary is supposed to be all positive and stuff, to be about how CAS has changed their nerdy life to the better, and how they're now all fulfilled human beings with a reason for living.
det är bra om man tar åtminstonde en helg till sin ToK. Extended tar otroligt lång tid, men även om du har en jättebra EE, så kan ToK dra ner på poängen :( men ToK är flum. fast ganska kul i alla fall :)
my IB-corrdinator is some whimsy history teacher =.=' who btw blinks waaaaay too much o.0
but we in jönköping still love him! XD the graduated IB2 had a shirt made where he was drawn as a cartoon character type.
I soooo wanna buy it 0.0
anywho, it's good that you are satisfied with your grades. In your case, things could have been worse ne~
oh? o.O we just have to write how we experienced it.
to be honest CAS has changed my nerdy life o.o
jag vet inte riktigt än hur ToK fungerar eftersom jag har bara haft 2 IB1 dagar och jag hade ToK men vi delade oss i grupper då.
Asåå jag trodde att det var individuellt, att man får 1 poäng i EE, 1 i ToK och 1 i CAS men då hur kan det dra ner poängen?
jag längtar tills att ha ToK eftersom det hjälper min diet XDDD
and, um, I had so many CAS hours, srsly. I was a scoutleader. that was like an everything-in-one thing >.> and, um, but nerds are hot too. :P
asså IB på din skola låter inte alls organiserat och det behöver det verkligen va för att förståa saker och får bra betyg..
aja jag får se helt enkelt hur det går för mig nu ..screwed <(^-^)v
yea that's true!
and hell yes they are ..hopefully XD
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