
Jul 24, 2007 20:05

I feel so weird,
I dont know why. It's not that I feel depressed or something..it's kinda mixed feelings. Quite emotional would be the correct words. For instance, I've become extra touchy the past days. If I watch Oprah or even Rachel Ray show and they show those ppl who overcome real difficulties in life, I start crying rivers =.=' I never used to do that but for example there was this girl who is deaf and she was on Rachel Ray along with her mentor who educated her ofcourse and they had this pact sice she was in fourth grade that none of them would cut their hair untill she graduated. And now she had graduated and was going to collage and they cut eachothers hair on the show and I was like..well, I wasted alot of tissues *headdesk*
Not only mentally, but also physically! Like sometimes when I clap or something, it really hurts and I keep loosing grip of things which shouldn't happen in usual terms. Sometimes I just feel like I have no control over mybody for a split second o.O
It kinda comes and goes..

oh well good news: I'm going to Germany and then to Italy!
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