Actress indeed

Jul 06, 2007 21:04

I just came home after performing in the premiere of the play I got a part in and it was a HUGE success!
We still have 5 shows left and on tuesday, the city's newspaper ppl are gonna come to interview us! *o* Jönköpings posten!!
Everyone really believed each and everyone of us and we all were really happy cause we had to act like ppl much older than we actually are. I had to act as a 20 yr old and it might sound easy but it isn't that easy to make ppl believe that I'm not a teenager.
The tickets were sold out!!
oooh I am so happy! my parents were like *o* XD The play was about a bunch of actresses getting kidnapped along with the audience (we get hijacked) and some really believed us in the beginning! YO-KA-TTA~~~~~~~~

I have comlpeted my artistic wishes now! I have sung on stage infront of about 900 ppl, acted in a play that was sold out and been in a art gallery where my paintings were put up!

The thing is, when I came home, I was like YEA! Today I'll celebrate by eating late mwuahahaha against the idet mwuahaha and then I made ramen and dropped them on the floor =.='
So I cant be as happy as I was... so I'm not gonna eat anything bow and punish myself by sleeping hungry...deserves me right!
omigosh, I almost feel like crying bt when I turned 17, I promised myself to never cry..well only when something REALLY HORRIBLE TERRIBLE happens.
now, I'll go back to making Massu icons! (preview: my current icon)
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