so sick

Jun 20, 2007 21:37

Hey guys!
sorry I ahvenät been able to update for a while..I'm totally not feeling good. My throught hurts, my eyes burn, my shoulders are sore, my head hurts and I feel groggy..let's all welcome my pre-fever stage *headdesk*
Anywho, good ones atleast!
I forgot to mention that I was accepted in a theatre audition and today we got to know our parts and I'm playing a 20 yr old Iranian girl called Nadin.
The play so far sounds awsome and I wanted another part but come to think of it, my part is preety awsome cause me along with three other girls are gonna make the audience believe that we are the only ones in this theatre although there are 18 of us!
I'll tell ya more about the play later on. It's called "Karaktärer" which means "Characters"
well yaaaay! AND the great part is that I get paid for this! XO I'm an actress yo! XD

omg I started watching ProDai day before yesterday and yesterday I finished watching the 8 eps so thas been subbed so far and I'm soooo addicted! the storyline is great! and aaaah Pi-chan is sooo cute! Harreruyah chance!! noooooooooo XD <333

Gonna watch Dance drill now *sneeze*
eeehh...must have a hanky with me all the time! *lies on the cool floor*
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