Jyuu Himitsu [10 secrets]

May 18, 2007 01:21

Ok, so I was tagged by
neyvaa   and now I have to tell you guys about 10 secrets that I've never shared with anyone else.
I'm quite a chatterbox so I usually spill things out (soemtimes regretting it) so I'll try my best!
  1. I've yet to have my first kiss. Many think I already have but it's not true.
  2. I love being hyper and fun loving so much that it might seem really cheesy to some.Then I love being cheesy eventhough I might show my serious side most of the time.
  3. I lie often to my friends and family to get out of things.
  4. The mere fact of death makes me cry like a baby although I never show that to anyone.
  5. I'm still afraid of the dark (-.-')
  6. I sometimes talk to myself in the mirror and totally forget about the fact that I end up having a conversation...with myself
  7. I come from a really rich family (although my family hates to show that, we dont need to prove ourselves better than others cause money doesn't make you a better person)
  8. Sometimes, when I have a crush on someone..I..er...see if his lastname would go with my first name and if we had a kid, how would he/she look.
  9. I hate brushing my teeth and therefore when I was younger, I did not brush my teeth for a complete week.
  10. I often dream about things that later on happen in future.

Yep,..there it is. Some of them are quite personal for me although if you fell like you want an explanation on something then feel free to ask XD
My turn to tag yaarrr~




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