woah cosplay!

May 08, 2007 15:29

Ok so I have to go!!! Uppcon Cosplay in uppsala! I just have to gooo! but for that I have to loose some serious weight -.-'
I like my curves damn it!! ><
but I have to wear this: o m g sooo hot!!
It's Karin from Naruto!! she is soo cool tee hee and the fact that she is a bit of a fangirl for Sasuke makes me want to be her even more XD
So anywho, I have 140 ish days left and I have to loose like 10 kgs!! omg I have to stop eating...nooo NEVER!!!
that's my passion man wth
but like...do any of you have any tips? any kinds of speciall exercise that reduces body fat quickly? any speciall food? then PLEASE I'm begging you, let me know. I'm so worried. I'll have to pull it off because Im gonna be in the top 100 competition and I'm gonna make sure to be the hottest Karin there damn it! ><
ooh I'm hungry...BUT I must eat at the right time!! *NODS*
18:00 means 18:00 damn it!
sorry for the whole energy..seishun-wanna be- thingie but that helps me so..yeaa...

National test A II went just O.K.!
A is easy, I'm worried about B ><
I've also gotta book a time with Peter to drive around somewhere..prolly tomorrow if I start studying now ^^
oh btw I went out for running today ^^ yaaay~it was absolutely awful but oh well XD
I was like totally fed up after 15 mins *headdesk* but hey, it's a start <(^.^)9

ok gotta go study now so I can keep my mind off food and compy XP
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