Adventures in Roseville

Apr 26, 2005 01:32

Okay, so I know that I do not update that much, but I just had an adventure that I feel I must record for posterity, or amusement or whatever. It all started with Matt, Ryan and me going to see Sin City at the Roseville shopping complex. We had all wanted to see the movie for quite awhile, and so we took the 84 to go see the movie that played at 9:55. We could not leave any earlier because Matt had to work until 9:20. So, we went to see the movie. We had a bit of an issue finding where the theater actually was, since we originally thought it was in the mall, but it was in a different, smaller mall called the crossroads. We were pointed in the right direction by some either very giggly or else very drunk girls. THe whole time, Ryan was speaking in a french accent because he wanted to convince strangers that he was french. I don't know why, he just wanted to. So Matt and I took up the call, and Matt was pretending to be Irish (of course) and I was British. I originally was going to do Italian, but, I really can not do that accent at all. Not enough expousure I guess.
So we finally found the theater and saw the movie, which was excellent by the way. Elijah Wood, though as always very hot, was remarkably creepy, playing a killer who killed prostitutes and then ate them, because he beleived that it was a religious experience. It was awesome. It was very over the top and pulp, but everyone played it like it was real, and it all worked. But enought about it. Just go see it. But make sure to go not at the 9:55 at Rosedale. And here is why.
The movie was longer than we excpeted, about 2 hours and 30 minutes. We walked out of the movie at 12:20, and the plan was to catch the bus. We looked at the bus scheduale and then our mistake dawned on us. The buses stopped running at 12:00. How were we going to get home? Ryan called his house, hoping that Jim would still be awake. No answer. They must be asleep. Shit. So then I asked Ryan to call Andy. Ryan replied that Andy had work in the morning and so likely would be asleep as well. Curses! Of all the nights Jim had to go to bed early!
So, what to do? Well, we decided to walk down snelling and try to find a place to call a Taxi. So we headed towards Snelling. Of course, we then remembered that Snelling was at Rosedale a highway, and so we could not cross it, nor walk along it. So we walked along the fence that surrounded Rosedale mall untill we found an exit that led to a street with a sidewalk. In the meantime, it had started raining, not to badily, but enough that I was glad that I wore my sweatshirt with a hood. Me, being the weakling that I am, was freezing, and Matt being the nice guy that he was, lent me his coat. We decided that it was an adventure. Well, if we did have to walk, as Ryan pointed out, we could be like the fellowship walking to Mordor. Heck, our journey would be nowhere near as long! I said that I would use this in my next game. So, players, when you enounter the boiling highway of blood that you need to cross to get into the Mournland, and you can't find a footbridge, you know where I got the idea from.
SO, we walked, still trying to figure out how to get on Snelling. The road that we were on had a pedestrian crosswalk, which led to an exit ramp from Snelling. We walked along this exit ramp and then along the order of the highway. When we were walking on the grass borders it was fine, illegal but fine. But we had two bridges to cross, and neither of them had shoulders. So, what we did is we waited untill all the cars that we could see had passed, and then we ran for it, along the bridge, hoping that a car would not come. And it was raining, so we were running through puddles, and our pants and shoes were soaking. We ran across the bridge, and then once across, would jump as quickly as possible over the gaurdrail, and back onto the grass. Personally, while scared, it was kind of fun. I felt like an action hero. So we were breaking quite a few laws.
Then, as we crossed the brige we saw it, our hope, our salvation, a 24 hour Perkins, its green sign shimmering like a becon in the cold rainy darkness. Tired and wet, our shoes shloshing, we jumped our last fence, walked across a construction site for a new Target, and entered the warmth of the Perkins front waiting area. We got a phone book and called a cab. Although it would cost, we would be heading home in about twenty minutes. We were still sad that we had to pay extra money, but we knew it was the cruel way of the world.
As we were waiting for the Taxi, one of those amazing coincidences occured that makes me convinced that there is a God. We were sitting on the bench, cold and tired, when out of the dining room and into the waiting area walked Phish and Ward! They had been eating there, and were paying their bill. We were, needless to say,happy to see them. They, out of the kindess of their hearts, offered us a ride, which we gladly accepted. We called the taxi, cancelled, and got to ride in the back of Phish's awesome truck. All and all, it was a bizarre experience full of adventure, mistakes and wonderful blessings. And I am very glad that I got to share it with Ryan and Matt. Ryan, Matt, I love you guys.

Peace everyone
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