Mar 04, 2004 12:06
heyy ..
well today was the last day of testing. I am soo happy about that, and since the juniors have to take a practice science hspa test tomorrow, sophmores and juniors get to come into school at 9:19. im happy about that extra hour of sleep never hurt a girl. =]
yeah so im in 4th period which means im in computer class and i finished all my work and today is a makeup day and i have nothing to makeup so i get to go on the internet and do whatever i want for 22 minutes. I am lovin these shorten periods, because i didn't have to have Mr. Dominaini as long [ thats always a gooood thing ].
So right now i am looking at lyrics from various bands/singers, that is always a fun thing to do when your BORED. so i can't believe tomorrow FRIDAY !! this week went sort of fast.
Yeah this weekend isn't going to consist of anything fun. The only thing i know i have to do this weekend is mr brothers bday party .. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRYAN // and my basketball brunch thing. That brunch should be fun, get to chillaxe with the freshman team again .. now thats always fun lol
SO yeah im gunna go now BYE <33