(no subject)

Sep 14, 2007 12:33

Thankyou for making the reservation. We will send you a confirmation/ invoice,together with written instructions for reaching the location, and the owner'sname and address.
After receiving the invoice please pay the rent asAN EU PAYMENT (IBAN, ACCOUNT NUMBER AND SWIFT CODE), please don't send us any CHEQUESor we have to charge you a surcharge of EUR 30. You can also pay with creditcard. We accept VISA (not Visa Electron), MASTERCARD and AMERICAN EXPRESS. Topay with credit card, please inform us by phone, fax or letter (not by email)of your card number and 3 digit CVC/CVV number on the signature side of yourcard and the card expiration date. We will charge your credit card on the dateof maturity. We will contact you only if the payment with credit card is notsuccessful. PLEASE NOTE: If there is less than six weeks before the beginningof the holiday, the whole sum has to be paid immediately. If we dqon't receiveyour payment in time, the reservation will be cancelled.

А подскажите, если кто-нибудь знает, что такое "EU PAYMENT", где его искать и что с ним делать, если вдруг найдёшь и как его платить?


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