Jun 25, 2005 18:59
long distance xx: if you were really going to kill yourself how would you do it?
BstnRdSx045: ...scooter..off bridge...duh
long distance xx: lol
long distance xx: there's no good bridges in ap though
long distance xx: :-(
BstnRdSx045: yeah...the one that divides the creek at cunningham
BstnRdSx045: that log
BstnRdSx045: that tipped over
BstnRdSx045: lmao...i try to make it across..i stall and fall horizontally
BstnRdSx045: a tiny splash
long distance xx: you jut lay there
long distance xx: wating for the tide to come in
BstnRdSx045: i just lay there
BstnRdSx045: ...2 hours later
long distance xx: hoping the water rises
BstnRdSx045: a kid after soccer practice comes over....pokes with me a stick
BstnRdSx045: "are u okay mister??"
long distance xx: hey mister!
BstnRdSx045: "leave-me-alone"
long distance xx: "I'm am dying okay!?"
long distance xx: "its allll over for me, but you still have your youth!"
long distance xx: now run along and let me die aloneee!
BstnRdSx045: im...CONVINCED..that the tides about to come in and im about to die
BstnRdSx045: but we're actually in the middle of a drought
long distance xx: DUUUUUUUST in the wiiiiind
long distance xx: the kids starts backing away
BstnRdSx045: i start singing it to myself
BstnRdSx045: someone heres like yelps..behind the bushs
BstnRdSx045: its just me
BstnRdSx045: twidling my thumbs and humming
long distance xx: all we are is dust in teh wiiiiiiind
BstnRdSx045: as i await the coming tide
long distance xx: still sideways
long distance xx: scooter on top of you
BstnRdSx045: a lady peaks through tthe bushes...
long distance xx: birds are nesting in your trunk
BstnRdSx045: "get away from here..cant u see im about to die..[the water is all dried up]"
BstnRdSx045: she doesnt do nething
BstnRdSx045: "GO AWAY"
long distance xx: I want to die alone!
BstnRdSx045: "oh...okay...i will"
BstnRdSx045: she backs away slowly
long distance xx: brings you some lemonade
BstnRdSx045: i throw a stick at her
BstnRdSx045: \"GET OUTTA HERE"
so that was pretty much teh funniest thing ever.