Look what I found!

Jun 16, 2014 19:26

So, instead of doing something productive like ripping this DVD, I semi-watched it/had it playing while I did other non-productive stuff.  But I spotted young TH of THEY Budou!  (This from the off shot C disc.)  And in the BEST TOUR concert disc, I forgot about Tsubasa kissing this uchiwa (what was it doing there anyway?) during the TakiTsuba call.  lol...  Well, it was a fun diversion, but still another whole concert disc to watch.  Haven't seen Eru's gif part yet, but a) I haven't been watching that closely and b) any non-T&T shots are mostly EbiKisu or FiVe.  I did see a split second of young Miyadate from SnowMan, though.

But hey! I wrote a journal entry this year!XD

je stuff, takitsuba, ramblings

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