you and I both love

Jun 19, 2004 02:07


this weekend blows jeez i want out NOW i want to go away and move on but its not my time for now i'll stay in solitude, internal withdrawal

you think you know me you got me all figured out you take one look at my smile and laugh on the inside but why? my smile for me is just an open wound i've heard it all before and i'm hearing it again and i'll repeat to make me feel better and let it echo in my mind but i'll never do anything about it for it has already been done thank you because if it wasn't for you then i wouldn't be who i am today

TO BE A GOOD WRITER YOU HAVE TO WRITE ABOUT WHAT YOU KNOW AND I GUESS ANYONE CAN BE A WRITER BUT A WRITER CAN'T JUST BE ANYONE i wrote a book well not a book but close to it i wonder if it could be published what would happnen probably not much and if it would be a best seller of one of the classics or made into a cheap ass movie lol who knows but hey i wrote a book i still need a name nothing dumb or goofy well actually i'll probably name it after my cat or call it
the expectations of kid because no matter what i'll always be a kid at HEART

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