Oh my god

Aug 31, 2006 14:44

Can you say worst day ever? okay, so this morning my car was fine. Then I go to slip home for a day or so and all hell breaks loose on it. It started acting up in so many different ways. Oh, and the best part: The A/C Quit. Like, not even working a little bit. It worked this morning. And then, after class, it just didn't. It would be on the day that it is hot as balls outside. What the crap, man! I seriously almost passed out. So I called my dad to see what we can do. I'm hoping he'll just let me get a new one :) I'll find out once he takes it to a repair place. Bah. I was going to leave my windows down so that it wouldn't be so brutal when I get in it later, but with all the weirdness on campus and people constantly reminding the student body to "Be aware of your surroundings" I opted not to. Guess I'll just die of heat stroke. I feel like we're in a weird harry potter universe. "Constant Vigilence!"
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