(no subject)

Aug 30, 2006 16:45

Yay room change! So, along with help from Jason and Brad (you guys rock!) I got most of my stuff moved into my new room. My roomate seems a lot more...well...normal then the last one. Her name is Lynzee and she's also a CJ major, so bonus! As I was moving my stuff, my old roomie just glared. Man, what is wrong with that girl? At least I got out of there before she tried to kill me in my sleep or something. The first SOD meeting was last night and it was amazing. We talked all about rush and how excited we all are about getting new littles. The new sisters are fitting in really well. I'm glad that most of them got in.

I still am fighting a wicked bad cold and feel like I am about to die. I have criminology from 6 to 10 tonight, so I hope I make it through. Fingers crossed. Then I have constitutional law at 8 am tomorrow. Brutal. Well, I'm off to finish moving. Toodleoo
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