Oct 11, 2016 11:10
For the most part, this requires brainpower. In other words, one needs to think beyond emotional flare-reactions and knee-jerk responses.
While similarities abound and they are cut from a very similar cloth, there still exists a difference between Hillary Clinton, the career politician and aristocrat and Donald Trump, the career businessman and aristocrat. These tapes of misogynistic attitudes are more than just male braggadocio, and you have to look well beyond that to understand. The statement that is most relevant is not about the harrassment or assault, it is the absolute belief that there are no repercussions for that behavior.
In short, the law works differently for the monied and because of that, they can do whatever they want. We all know it does, that is a simple fact. The laws of our land quite simply are set up to reinforce the accumulation of wealth for the wealthy, and with wealth comes the power live outside the bounds of the law.
Here's where the catch comes in. What does one do with that power? While there are arguments about Clinton and her "evilness," the reality is that she has championed many societal-beneficial actions. Children's health and education among the leading. Trump has always been about simple self-service. His charities exist simply to provide shelters for his wealth.
I recently did some research into Trump Taj Mahal, which closed its doors for the final time just before 6 am on Monday, Oct 10. If you are unaware of it, spend some time researching it. The construction was financed on junk bonds, highly speculative market devices that are very likely to never mature. So, he took money from investors, with the pre-statement that it's likely they would lose money. Ok, that's straight up gambling, and not really much wrong there. Here's the kicker. Within a few years, the casino which had never turned a profit, was preparing for bankruptcy and liquidation. They lobbied for and received a $65 Million bailout from the state of New Jersey, because of the fear that the closure would severely impact the economy of the City of Atlantic City and the State of NJ. That is where my serious issues begin.
Tax money. The money of people who do not reap the benefits of the investment was being poured into a failing business. This is the same behaviors we saw in the Banking bailout of 08. Businessmen gambled, built these huge empires of paper, and when they crashed, we who were already suffering had to give them more $$. Did those businessmen ever go without a meal? Did they lose their planes and helicopters and penthouse apartments? No. But many of us lost our jobs, our homes, are livelihoods and all our hopes and dreams.
That is the difference between Trump and Clinton.
Clinton has spent a life in politics, and while she has continued to be an aristocrat, she has been one that has endeavored to improve the lives of those she felt needed a champion. Trump has always only ever championed himself. He lies, cheats, steals, cajoles, begs, whines and argues. When caught in a lie, he simply doubles-down on it and shouts louder. It's like Monty Python's dead parrot skit. "It's stone dead." "No it isn't."
Something that baffles me more than anything is the embrasure of his flamboyancy by lower and middle class americans. I understand the ones who are bigotted and racist and blind, but I don't understand blue-collar, hard-working Americans flocking to his cause. It is men like Trump that have made their lives miserable. I see veterans extolling him. Really? How many veterans find that the VA Hospital system is good for you? Why is that? Simple answer: Money. There is no money in the VA budget for good treatment. Why? Well, look above... men like Trump raided it for their personal gain. Blatant personal gain. Do any veterans really think he's going to fix that? Based on what? What evidence? What history? Coal miners in WV, do you really think he's going to make life better for you? If you're not profitable, you're cast aside. It's as simple as that. Like Trump says, "it's smart business." Why do things that cost money, just because it helps people? If there is no profit in it, there's no point in pursuing the endeavor. Really people, this is what we're talking about here.
Back to my point. The crass language isn't the issue. The casual discussion of assault and rape isn't either. It is the pointing of the spotlight on the fact that Trump does not believe the laws apply to him because he is Trump. He is not a champion for the disaffected, he is a champion for himself. The biggest danger with Trump is his threat to the concept of a society of laws. Just look at the reactions to the pussytapes. Trump went on and debated for the highest office in the land, while the other person in that tape, Billy Bush, was fired from his job and is likely blackballed. Why? Why the difference? Irrelevant. Trump's statement is true.. he's a megastar and can do what he wants. The real danger is how that empowers the rest of society to think "Well, if he can, why can't I?" So we see racists, men with fear-filled hatred, misogynists, all flocking to the rallies and getting caught up in the rage and aggression.
Never in the history of American politics has a candidate openly threatened to jail their political opponents. Never. Why? Because that is not democracy.. that is autocracy. Candidates have always played dirty pool and damaged reputations, but threatening to imprison them? That's outside the law, above the law, and shows a terrible lack of comprehension of Constitutional law.
To be fair, eight years ago, I found myself saying that Hillary Clinton scared me as a voter. She still does. But what is more terrifying to me as an American voter is that I am contemplating the concept that she is the best option out there for me. Personally, I would prefer a far more responsible socialist outsider, like a Jesse Ventura. But that is my social conscience talking.
I have a young daughter about to embark on her life in the world as an adult. I have an almost-stepson who is in the same place. Both of these young people are socially aware, empathic people. I would possibly feel differently if I did not have them on my mind, but I do. I have a niece and nephew just beginning their lives. In two decades, they'll be in the same place.
Where will our world be then? Where will our country be then? I can't just throw up my hands and seek to leave. But can I make a difference?
I find myself easily enraged by callous selfishness. I mean VERY easily enraged. People who do things with absolutely no regard for the inconveniencing of others, and that they feel righteous about it. That it's correct and proper behavior to be rude, to cut people off whether in a line, driving or elsewhere. That to be callous and uncaring about others feelings is some kind of badge of honor. That to use others for your personal gain or self gratification is the right thing.
To quote Heinlein: "Moving parts in rubbing contact require lubrication to avoid excessive wear. Honorifics and formal politeness provide lubrication where people rub together. Often the very young, the untraveled, the naive, the unsophisticated deplore these formalities as “empty,” “meaningless,” or “dishonest,” and scorn to use them. No matter how “pure” their motives, they thereby throw sand into machinery that does not work too well at best."
Where I am going with all this, I don't know. All I do know is that I am stumped. What do I need to do? I can't fix someone who doesn't want to see the errors of their ways. Or maybe I am the one who is blind..maybe I am the one that doesn't understand and should be tossing this "empathy" and "social conscience" crap out the window. But that just doesn't feel right.
What was it the Doctor asked.. "am I a good man?" WWAGMD? What would a good man do?