Oh, how I adore Masterchef UK

Jan 15, 2012 22:34

Who else here watches Masterchef UK?

I am literally addicted to this programme for a multitude of reasons, most of which can be summed up by just this one word: 'microsalad'. I don't even think that 'microsalad' is hyphenated XD This show is THAT good!

I am also bowled over by the general squeeful slashiness of John and Gregg (I am such a fangirl *snort*), with all of their cream-licking and eye-rolling, and I - for one (and perhaps it really is just me, lol) - just think it's a work of genius. Who doesn't want two jumper-clad, tubby men peering suspiciously from behind some hanging utensils at contestants on the brink of a nervous breakdown, whilst rave music plays on in the background, stopping at the end of every loop to hear someone chopping an onion?

Anyway, I opened my own community at masterchefslash for anything squeeful/slashy/silly to do with Masterchef UK, including fic and art, and links to all the COUNTLESS interviews where they're constantly touching one another's knees and flirting, but also news, discussion etc.

Sadly, there have never been many members, as I have never really known where to promote it :/ But as it's a new year, and a new series starting this week, I thought I'd try and recruit some new members for good times and foodie-lulz. Whadd'ya say? :D

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