Hey there! I was wondering if anyone is a fan of
Jacques Tati? I've only seen three of his films so far- Trafic, Les Vacances de Monsieur Hulot (Mr. Hulot's Holiday), and Mon Oncle. They are quite leisurely paced and Les Vacances de Monsieur Hulot, while it had good parts, was too slow even for my patient nature (I fell asleep in the end) but Trafic and Mon Oncle I love extremely. I think you could watch a whole one of these movies in French without subtitles and still find it funny; the dialogue doesn't seem to be very important.
From Wikipedia:
In Trafic, Hulot is a bumbling automobile inventor travelling to an auto exhibition in a gadget-filled recreational vehicle.
In Mon Oncle M. Hulot is the idiosyncratic and much-adored uncle of young Gérard, who lives with his materialistic parents in an ultra-modern house in a new Paris suburb, situated next to the crumbling buildings of the older city. Gérard's parents, M. and Mme. Arpel, are firmly entrenched in a machine-like upper-class regime of regular work, fixed gender roles, and the acquisition of more and more possessions. The Arpel's contemporary home is sleek and beautiful (the set was so admired by one film fan that a real-life version of the house was constructed near Paris), yet it also serves as a metaphor for the cold and impersonal nature of modern life. In fact, Madame and Monsieur Arpel are reduced essentially to near-automatons in the film, slaves to their shiny acquisitions.
Boys in Mon Oncle:
Click to view
Camping van being demonstrated in Trafic:
Click to view