random day

May 20, 2007 21:41

Finally, I'm fucking home. I never thought finals were going to end. Between the caffeine, three hours of sleep, and the hideous bags beneath my eyes - the past couple of days at home recuperating from a whole week of stress has been great. It just sucks to see the tons of idle baggage from suite 314C in the middle of my room, pleading to be unpacked and properly stowed away. Gah, I can't believe I had so much stuff crammed into that 3X4 space. What sucks even more is that I'm probably going to have to do a labor intensive all day cleaning extravaganza tomorrow in order to somehow create enough space to jam all this crap into it. I fucking hate cleaning. It's never a short process for me, because once I get into it I have to make sure its thoroughly and completely done so that I have the power to ignore cleaning it again in the future. This is what comes with temporary pleasure, annoyance.

Anyway, this summer I really want to get some of my goals accomplished. I want to read 5-10 books, continue studying Russian, and find a decent job that doesn't involve being a sales whore. I can't imagine how people could actually fancy working in retail as a sales associate as their lifetime career (because doing it temporarily is as far as I'll go). The pay is crap, the hours are crap, and although customers are generally decent (it tends to become unnerving when you see the same 12-15 year-olds in the store with a bushels of their parents money buying the same fake dog shit from the week before) but always have the potential to be crap. Oh, but who can forget the awe-inspiring management. I haven't met a person yet who's worked in retail and actually enjoyed a good relationship with their boss. They're always perverse and pampered. Who's fault is it that you didn't finish college (or did) and are currently stuck being a mall slut? Your own. Anyway, there are several good aspects to retail jobs too. Discounts, reasonable customers, and awesome co-workers. Some of the best times I had while working at the Galleria were just talking to amicable strangers or playing around with the merchandise along side my fellow employees. I guess I'll miss my 40% off, but onto bigger and better things! On to 10$/per hour jobs! So, anyone hiring?

Also, this summer I want to go to some concerts. Ozzfest is free this year (interestingly, but still doesn't compare to the awesomeness of Wacken) and I would die to see Behemoth and 3 Inches of Blood. Another must see is Immortal at BB Kings. I guess I'll have to con Peter into going with me, I don't think anyone else would want to. (Besides Becca - we should go together! <3)

Anyway - for the time being I'm free and would like to catch up with some people, that is if they want to as well of course. Hasta luego, mis amigos.

job, summer, concerts

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