Jun 17, 2006 13:41
Found this in the newspaper about my g-pa, who is the coolest man I've ever met.
Tidewater rings in its 50th birthday--NO company an innovator in the offshore oil industry
Tidewater Inc. celebrated 50 years of operations Friday by ringing the closing bell on the New York Stock Exchange...
Taylor described the company as the idea of Alden "Doc" Laborde (my Popee), who had the engineering skills and the vision that spawned the offshore oil industry. Laborde built the first standalone rig, a mobile submersible barge that became known as the Mr. Charlie, in honor of business partner Charles Murphy's father. Laborde's development allowed rigs to move to deeper locations in search of oil and gas.
The rig's success prompted Laborde and Murphy to found Ocean Drilling and Exploration Co., known as ODECO.
Once more offshore drilling rigs were operates in the Gulf of Mexico, Laborde tapped his brother to found a company that could provide marine services to the oil industry, and that company was Tidewater.
"Think of all the children educated, homes built--it was the idea of one man," Taylor said. "Think of all the lives affected by one man stepping out."
Laborde took the fledgeling offshore supply-vessel company into foreign waters when it began operating in Venezuela in the early 1960's/ He led the company until 1994, a tenure in which he added vessels and acquired competitor fleets...
Tidewater now operates a fleet of 520 vessels in the major oil-producing basins in 70 countries worldwide.