Jan 02, 2008 17:34
got into a huge drunken fight last night. He basically blamed me for all of his problems because I'm such an angry, negative bitch all the time, and it rubs off on him.
There has been tension building for the past few months, but I didn't realize that it was going to blow up like this. It started when we were debating whether or not Perez Hilton really does anything positive for the gay community, blah blah blah. I understand that yes, he has broken through many stereo-types that come with being anything in Hollywood-he's overweight, not particularly attractive, and doesn't really do much of anything but talk shit on celebrities in his blog, and in doing that has made himself somewhat famous. Sometimes yes, he does include things that are important, like when he brings up some things happening in politics like Huckabee's dumbassishness, and things of that sort. I also understand that by doing this he gets that word out to quite a few people who otherwise would never read about that sort of thing, and yes it is good. All I'm saying is that overall, it still comes down to that what he mainly does is talk shit about other people. It's nice that he does some good things now and then, but he still mainly talks shit to entertain others, I don't really care, that's all that I was saying.
It ended up in Eric yelling about how I'm just new to the gay community so there's no way that I could really understand the good that Perez does blah blah blah. It has nothing to do with the gay community, it's just an opinion I have so I don't understand wtf kind of an argument that is. Then it turned into a personal attack on me, about how I'm a negative bitch and always calling him an asshole, and all this other shit. He basically picked out every little thing about me that bothered him and made a HUGE deal out of it. It ended in us agreeing that maybe I should think about moving out.
I went to bed thinking in the morning we would talk about it and everything would be fine, seeing as we were both fucked up, and we would be able to talk about these things like a couple of mature adults. Instead he ignored my existence. I know he's been really upset about a few things lately-ex boyfriend, not coming out to his parents like he wanted, ect. Steve was there for the entire argument and told me not to listen to him, he thinks he's just using me as an outlet for all his frustration and anger.
Still, I don't deserve to be treated like crap. I understand that there are going to be things about me that bother him, and things about him that bother me, it's bound to happen seeing as we live together, and have spent the majority of our time during the past year together, but still. I can handle him not liking certain things about me, or the fact that there are going to be things that I do that bother him, or whatever. That's fine, I can even handle him bringing them up to me, and I'll even go so far as to try not to do those things. As long as I can do the same, and he has the same consideration in regards to the matter. Also, it would require that we talk about it in a mature manner, not drunkenly screaming at each other.
That's all I ask. I'm incredibly frustrated. If we are not able to work this thing out, I'm either going to have a semi-miserable next 6 months that we live together, or I'm moving out, if there's no way to reconcile this, though I hope that we do. I just hope he comes around. He has been one of my best friends for many years, and I wouldn't want it to end over something as stupid as a drunken fight.