She grabs the magazine's... she packs her things and she goes......

Jun 12, 2005 22:57

Fathers Day
The day to honor your father
As for me I went out to eat with my mom and Grandma
I don't consider myself having a father
they raised me
honor them
they were there when i was born
when i was sick and needed care
when i played sports and needed someone to cheer me on
all the birthdays
all the holidays
never missed
they were there to say they loved me
to hug me as I would cry

I probably should of called my dad on Fathers day
but why should I honor something that was never there
someone who made my heart hurt so much
at night would make me cry
just wondering why
why was it always more important then me
so now we talk
and I fake like it's okay
but like today on Fathers day
I remember not the father I have
but the father that was never around
who could never put family before drinking
who would come home every night from the bar and go straight to bed
I don't think any father is perfect, but one that makes mistakes
is alot differnt from one that never showed up in the first place
I don't know if anyone actually reads this, but if you understand what i'm saying
you know how it feels to have something so important missing
sometimes you just have to feel sad
to move on and realize the absence of something
makes you lucky in other ways
my father may have missed alot but it's his loss
i feel sorry for him
not myself
i'm proud of who i am
what i've become
i love my family and would do anything for them
people are what makes my life
not  a substance
one thing you have taught me
alcohol doesn't solve problems
just creates
so today it's Fathers Day
but because of your actions
for me
It's just a regular day

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