It was pointed out I haven't blogged in a LONG time.

Jun 14, 2009 00:59

So, life has been busy and I'm a recent facebook addict so I haven't been here in awhile.  I have however, taken tons of pictures lately, and wanted to share them with friends and family.

So first, here are links to large albums of pictures from Germany if you'd like to look. (82 pictures - City views mostly) (60 more - castles and wedding reception)
For anyone who wants to see more than 150 pictures of Germany

Vacation was nice and overall, uneventful.  We did arrive about 12 hours later than we were supposed to, and had to be routed through Sweden, but we got to Germany in time for the wedding reception, so overall it all worked out great.

Today was filled with socializing and entertaining.   I was one of 3 hosts for my friend Lisa's Baby Shower for her first itty-bitty, Sammy who is due in about 6 weeks.  Here are a few pics from her shower, including the completed baby quilt I made her (which I am very unhappy with the quality of the final product).

I also got Lisa/Sammy a hardcover childrens book of first words in German while in Germany and a safari onesie from Carter's.  It is all too cute!  The decorating onsies was my pet project for the shower and it was really popular amongst the attendees.

The food table.  I contributed chips & salsa and the decadent brownie cupcakes w/ cherries.  This is Lisa and her Mom.

Arts & Crafts table.  I brought 13 bibs and 10 onesies for decorating with fabric markers and paint.  This was a really great activity and Mom got to go home with lots of personalized stuff to remember us by.

Some of the ladies who attended the shower.  We had 10 adults and 3 children.

A fraction of the completed projects, I don't know where the rest were hiding!

Present time!

One friend had hand-knit a baby quilt (it only took her a WEEK?!!)

My baby quilt offering, I'm really not pleased with it.

Lisa with TIffany's gift, I didn't take any more pictures of gifts as that gets boring for me.  I think the guests overall enjoyed it as much as anyone ever enjoys a Baby or Bridal Shower.

Then it was off, back to San Antonio for T & M's One Year Anniversary Celebration!

Then when I got back to San Antonio I went to a Murder Mystery dinner.  It was a blast and I'd definitely do it again.  It got off to a rocky start, and began very late, but once we got going I had a blast.  My camera batteries were dying the entire night so I only got 3 pictures of this.

Carrie Crooner (Jazz singer and new wife of Don "Big Jim" Ravioli; The Baroness ("Big Jim's" Mom); Meme Wannabee (Brothel Owner)

Rebecca Ravioli, daughter of "Big Jim" and her husband Sly Sleaze.  She won Best Costume and was the Murderess!

Inspector Nutella reading out the Exhibits of Evidence from "Big Jim's Murder.

quilt, pictures

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