Labels, and why I am always on about them

May 20, 2010 13:24

Been a while since I have put on my ranty pants here, and it seems that all my rants can be summed up into one nice box, peoples is stupid.

Today on the wonderful world of flamebook, I have found myself in a discussion about the labels of sexuality. Now I can hear you all say why don't you just STFU and let morons be morons but well when someone says something this moronic the only way forward is to point it out.

The comment was thus, "Actually I know a lesbian who's dating a straight man... she still considers herself lesbian because he's the only man she's into." My thoughts were simple if you are sleeping with a man, in a relationship with a man, then at best you can call yourself bisexual, the concept of which is used to describe someone who will swing both ways. Lesbians by definition only swing the one way.

I got a response, which can be summed up as "I don't force labels onto people and accept the ones they give themselves." so perhaps my response overstepped the line but here is is anyway.

"by that way of thinking then I can label myself anything I want. From this day forth I can be a Lesbian because I say I am, despite the fact that I am married to a male, and have never had a sexual experience with a female. I can also label myself a goth despite not being involved in the subculture anymore, hell I can also say I am Greek having ... See moreno Greek heritage or ancestry, having not even been to Greece.

Labels are used to box people into groups, and as a general rule I am against them because I feel that everyone is more than just one group, and means more than just one label. However if you are going to use a label it should be accurate. Peanut butter should not be hiding in the Vegemite jar."

I have now been told that labeling people "against their will" will mean that no one will want to be around me. To that I say if those people are wankers that label themselves against the fact because the label sounds cool, or they think they are more prestigious because of it, then realistically I can't say I will be crying.

Of cause I have decided not to answer on flame book because I keep seeing that picture about winning and still being retarded.
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