
Jun 29, 2003 13:52

I've been thinking a lot about the people in my life recently. There are a lot of people that I would call friends, but my relationship with each of those people are very different. There are only a few friends that I would go to, to talk about the things that are really bothering me. I usually go to Matt, but that's a given. And because I go to Matt first, I dont usually go to anybody else, but then again I don't feel as though I need to.

Besides that, Mike is second in line. I feel as though Mike is the best listener in the world and I think he adds a lot to conversations, too. I can talk to him about something, and it will end up being a 5 hour conversation until dawn about everything, which also helps ease the issues I went to him for in the first place. Plus, if I have anything I can't gripe to Matt about (aka: issues with Matt), Mike's great.

Jen is also a good listener and is someone else that I go to and can spend hours talking with. Besides that, I go to Mom. But, that's about it. I don't usually go to anyone else. And even then, I don't go to people often. And when I do, it's because I feel as though it would help me. I dont expect people to know when I need them. They aren't telepathic. There are times I believe that in very serious situations friends should step in without a doubt, but I know that if I feel as though I need my friend's support, I should seek them out. They aren't telepathic and don't always know when I really could use them and when I would rather work things out on my own. And most of the time, I would rather just work things out myself. I realize that everybody is different that way, and in other ways, too.

I don't really expect a lot from my friends (not just including the people above, but everyone I consider a friend). Many times they surprise me, but I don't usually ask a lot from them. I've begun to realize a lot lately, especially due to the last several weeks on livejournal, that everyone has so many problems/issues/dramas of their own. Maybe people see me as being anti-social to an extent because I try not to get my nose in it too much, but then again I try not to bring a whole lot of people into my issues. That's how it works best for me. And then I see people like Mike, who tries to help everyone in the world because he's a caring heart and he can't stand to see people in pain, and it drains him so much. But, as I admitted earlier, I go to him, too. I think most people do.

But that's just a side-rant that I got off to. What I really want to say is that you shouldn't expect the same from all of your friends. I have friends from high school that I may only talk to a couple of times a year, if that, but they are still friends. And then I have the friends that are closer to me, and that I feel I console in more. I have those friends that I never have ever really hung out with one-on-one, but I see more in groups and still enjoy their company. I don't expect friends to call me ever, because I don't really have that relationship with any of them, but that also makes for a nice suprise when they do call. And for the most part, I feel that if my friends need my help, they will come to me for it, of course unless they do not realize that they need help.

Those are just my thoughts. I know that everyone is different with their relationships and I wouldn't mind hearing some peoples thoughts on this.
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