Jul 30, 2002 01:08
alrighty then... god knows why i am writing but i worked from 3-8 tonight and i realized a lot of things. I know a lot of people that read my livejournal work at suds so here we go....... a list of things that i hate about customers!!
1)for god sakes i would love for you to wear some deoderant. I dont know why but people get all sweaty and what not shopping but please take a shower!
2)IF THE SIGN SEZ 12 ITEMS OR LESS it doesnt take a rocket scientist to find out i am
about to pimp slap the next jack ass that comes into my line with 343252352 items.
3)learn english... nuff sed!!
4)old people is a big no no 2 my line! you are soo annoying unless you are a sweet old women or a nice old man with no teeth my line is not for you all you do is complain and ask me to bag a slice of cheese in paper and plastic!
5)dollar bills!!!!! i dont wanna count out the 123.93 that you owe in nickels and dimes!
6) when i am sitting there with out a customer dont come up to me and say haha are you looking for buisness cuz im not....
7) we have to walk out in the hot or cold please tip you jack asses!
8) dont make up the excuse "i should shop when im hungry".. you KNOW you buy that much food EVERYTIME you shop... also i hate hearing that annoying lil laugh of yours and then i only came in for a gallon of milk! well listen fatso if you came in for a gallon of milk get it and why were you bringing 300 to the store just for your milk... you buy a lot of food dont make excuses!
9)please dont tell jokes.. i kno you think you are funny but please... please stop it you are only embaracing yourself!
10)if mike healy is walking around the store dont ask me where an item in the store is i am stupid i am dumb i do not know the answer go find it yourself.
11) if you have 939539 coupons over half of them dont work. I know it sounds crazy but i would be happy if you read the smaller print underneath!
12) I HATE MATH!! once i have punched in the numbers and opened the draw dont suddenly remeber that 33 cents in your pocket cuz then i have to figure out the change in my head
13) when you clean out your cubord... dont return things that are from 1998 because obviously it went bad about 2 years ago
14) if you are going to buy ciggerates please do it yourself cuz when you are like can you get me the newport lights in a box that are yellow and i will also take the malboro lights in a carton... make it two actually. just cuz you smoke them everyday and can memba all those names doesnt mean i can my memory is that of a fish.
15) when i am break i hate it when you take your time in front of me i swear you just want to make me misserable!
16) i might throw your child if it is a long line and i have to listen to him cry for over 15 minutes please walk outside or something!
17) if you tell me what kind of bags you want AFTER it is all bagged you betta get baggin youself cuz biz i am not doing it!
18) hahah guess what? when things dont ring up dont think you are funny by saying ooops it must be free cuz i get that a million times a day it just isnt funny
19) dont shop once a year cuz when you spend 400 dollars at the supermarket at once i think you might as well invest in some jenny craig and plus do you understand how awful it is to ring that all up?!?!?!
20)WE NEED TO KNOW CODES OF FRUIT OR VEGTABLE!! when i look on the sheet dont tell me what it is, where it is in the store, how much it weighs, cuz a history of the product is un-needed JUST A CODE!!!
all of you suds workers if there are any others you must add please inform and or just comment so i dont feel like the only grinch worker at suds! this is mike healy peace out