Costa Rica and that dang term paper draft... which sounds more fun?

Nov 19, 2006 14:42

I have to decide in the next couple days if I want to go to Costa Rica in January (and miss pretty much the first week of classes- which, hey, are generally wildly boring anyway, and this experience may not be repeatable), plus finish my term paper draft. Then Thanksgiving break will be here, and I will rejoice. Hehe.

Sigh. Oh well. I guess it honestly doesn't matter whether I decide to go or to not go, because it was such a random sort of event that came up into my scope of life and plans. It would be great fun, but it would also mean some logistical work (passport, talking to each professor, and possibly waiving health insurance). No shots are required for this trip, which I think is amazing, because I hate fighting that one (on the other hand, my cousin just contracted Typhoid unexpectedly on a missions trip, so I wonder if that ought to serve as a warning to me...). There may well be other trips like this; there will never be another first week of those exact classes that I'll be in and am looking forward to. Spanish, which I've wanted to continue taking for years, will be starting, but then again, going to Costa Rica might be a far better way to pick up some more language skills. Duh. LOL.

I had another pro or con or piece of info, but now I can't remember it. Maybe it was just the fun part: It sounds incredibally amazing to go to a warm, balmy climate in the middle of January, and get away from frankly boring school. I'm super-excited when I think of it that way.

Anyone here have any thoughts or care to wiegh in? Otherwise, my practical side tells me "Don't do it" (plus I might miss some critical stuff in cell bio, which is already going to be a tough course for me- probably, with a lot of chem content), but my anventurous, fun-loving side whispers, "Do it, Do it, DO IT for your own sake DO IT!" It would be so, so easy.... Just hop on that plane with the others in the group, and there I'd be. Imagine- Costa Rica. Heh. It sounds incredible.

Maybe I'll go. Then again, last time I tried to take advantage of something "fun," it was getting involved with the theater dhow and then suddenly feeling ovewhelmed and swamped out of my mind: and I ended up pulling out. In a foreign country, there is no pulling back out of the trip. Hmm. Right.

See y'all,

costa rica, school, practicality, fun, homework, college, science

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