Jan 28, 2008 13:33
When it comes to healthy eating I usually fall victim to the weekends. There is less structure, and more freedom to just say, screw it and eat whatever is in front of me. I have known this to be my weakness, so this weekend I finally did something about it.
Friday I was a perfect angel. I ate according to my diet and lifestyle choice. Saturday I decided would by my lax day. I ate more carbs than I would on a weekday, but all within reason. There was no binge eating or drinking for that matter. We went out to dinner with my inlaws and I ate sensibly. When it came time to relax for the evening while having some cocktails, I took a different path. Usually I drink hard liqour with diet soda until my head spins. While at the liqour/wine store I picked up a bottle of mead ( I love mead, and hate to have to wait for the Ren. Faire). I had a 4 oz glass of mead and enjoyed every sip of it. Sunday was a get back on track day. I was still on the high side of eating in relation to my carbs, but it was closer to my normal day. Today, it isn't such a shock for me to transition back into my everyday menu.
I haven't smoked in almost two weeks and I feel much better. There was a definate adjustment period and my sleep pattern was affected, but I think overall I will be better off without.
All in all I will chalk this weekend up as a learning experience. I did better, I see room for further improvement, and next weekend I will work on it again.
Have a great week!