Stumbled across this article over on livestrong! I liked it so I wanted to share :). Linking because it's a long article.
Health Food Passion or Dangerous Obsession?
When Healthy Pursuits Become a Need for Help
"I thought I was just being healthy," said Sandra H., a 23-year-old who recently completed treatment for her obsession with dietary perfection. What began as a pursuit she felt passionate about gradually consumed her every waking hour. Because of her early recovery stage, she requested anonymity.
"I started by cutting [out] meat," she continued. "Then sugar, then all processed foods. Eventually, I was only eating raw fruits and vegetables and a few sprouted grains. Then one day at work, I fainted."
Sandra's doctor diagnosed her with severe iron-deficient anemia and referred her to a psychologist who specializes in eating disorders.
"I was shocked," Sandra said. "But once my therapist started asking me questions ... like how often do you think about food and if I prioritized eating healthy over happiness, it became pretty obvious. My lifestyle wasn't normal or remotely healthy. I was really hurting myself."
Some professionals use the term orthorexia nervosa to describe Sandra's condition, which literally means a "fixation on righteous eating." Dr. Steven Bratman coined the phrase in 1996. Orthorexia refers to an unhealthy obsession with eating healthy food, and it is a serious condition. The obsession can cause severe physical health ramifications.
Read the rest @
LiveStrong! --
I've only heard a little bit of this particular form of disordered eating, so this was eye opening to me.