
Sep 19, 2008 14:26

He hits shoreside first - they can go to the water from there, there's less likely to have a spill of water when the door opens to the bar, and well.

Triton's people aren't partial to doors anyway.

So he finds a door to a little cabin shack and pushes it open, hoping for the best.


"Hey, Lissar! It worked!"

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lissla_lissar September 19 2008, 21:31:24 UTC
Lissar laughs, and heads through the door with her hood up. "It did! This is where you wanted to show me?"

It's a beach.

But she likes beaches, so that's fine!


healitwithwater September 19 2008, 21:37:35 UTC
"Naw, it's what the beach boarders. The land part of this world is really tiny, there's a while kingdom underwater!" Demyx explains as he starts heading out into it. "If you go far enough into the water the world will shift for you. I just figured, you know. Didn't want to make a mess on the bar floor with a bunch of sea water spilling through."


lissla_lissar September 19 2008, 21:41:19 UTC
Lissar nods, and steps into the water. She considers taking her coat off...but he's not.

And she's trusting him.

"The world will shift? How will I breathe?"


healitwithwater September 19 2008, 21:48:44 UTC
"It won't hurt." Demyx says right away. "It's magic from a bright world that does it." So there's no uncomfortable 'oh god I'm choking'. That is, unless you're changing from merperson to human UNDER THE WATER, but who would be dumb enough to do that?

"Do you have mermaids where you're from?" he makes the way through the water slow and wading to give Lissar a chance to get comfortable with the idea first.


lissla_lissar September 19 2008, 21:50:17 UTC
"No?" Lissar says, slogging in the water (mostly) fearlessly, "What are they?"


healitwithwater September 19 2008, 21:58:51 UTC
"Like... fish people, kind of. People from the waist-up with pretty fishtails from the waist down. Or things other than fish. I guess it's supposed to match your personality... or something. I'm a blanket octopus!" Demyx explains cheerfully, pausing as they get about waist deep. "It's coming up close now, anything else you want to ask first?"


lissla_lissar September 19 2008, 22:04:20 UTC
Lissar shakes her head, "I trust you." she says, very firmly, "Shall I dive, or keep walking?"


healitwithwater September 19 2008, 22:38:26 UTC
Demyx grins.

"Let's dive." He says, before leading the way.

True to his word, the border wasn't far at all, especially when diving deeper. The magic shimmers as it passes over him, changing even the Nobody who IS water to accommodate the world, tentacles and an unfurling cape trailing behind him. He could be a showoff sometimes too.

He generally didn't think too much on the fact that he was, apparently, a female blanket octopus.


lissla_lissar September 19 2008, 22:43:35 UTC
Lissar laughs, brightly, and dives after him.

She hasn't a clue that only the male betta have the glorious fins that she sprouts, and she really doesn't care.

She's a little bit more busy freaking out about the amount of clothing female mermaids wear. Shells are not nearly enough.

"DEMYX!" She's trying to use her arms to cover everything at once, and settles on crossed over her chest.

Her entire body, down to the fins, is flushed.


healitwithwater September 19 2008, 22:52:28 UTC
Demyx smacks his forehead.

"Right. Girl. I'm sorry, I forgot!" Demyx closes his eyes and reaches out to FEEL the lagoon they're currently in. There's got to be at least one-

Aha, there. A mile or two out of shore, a sunken sailboat.

Holding out his hand and summoning a ripwave, what remains of the canvas sail is torn from the mast and pulled to Demyx's hand. He holds it out to Lissar apologetically. "We can find you something better in Atlantica."


lissla_lissar September 19 2008, 22:54:20 UTC
Lissar wraps the sail around her body as far as she can without screwing with the fins, "Thank you." she says, "Do all merpeople wear so little?"

This is going to be a highly uncomfortable trip if so. "It is beautiful, though."


healitwithwater September 19 2008, 23:20:40 UTC
"Generally, yeah." Demyx is bare from the waist-up. An unfortunate side-effect for Nobodies as well. "The waters are tropical and really warm here, you have to get really deep before you start feeling the cold. But they do have more covering clothing available." generally what matrons and grandmothers wear, but Demyx isn't going to argue with what works.


lissla_lissar September 19 2008, 23:28:43 UTC
Lissar is fine with being thought a matron or grandmother. As long as she gets CLOTHING. "That would be good." Lissar agrees, "Shall we go, then? My coat will come back when we leave, yes?"


healitwithwater September 19 2008, 23:36:45 UTC
"Yep! You'll look just like you did when you got in the water." Demyx promised as he drifted to and fro before heading deeper into the waves in the direction of the underwater kingdom.


lissla_lissar September 19 2008, 23:40:03 UTC
"Good." Lissar says.

It takes her a moment to figure out the tail, and how to work it, but then she follows him.

"Your...fan? Tail? It's very pretty. Hypnotic."


healitwithwater September 20 2008, 00:01:43 UTC
"Thanks! It's a cape." Demyx says proudly, twisting so it flows even more elegantly than before, catching every tiny ripple in the water. "That's what blanket octopi have instead of ink."

He's happy to take things slowly for her, make sure the water moves in just the right way to help her get the hang of swimming.


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