Today is my cat's birthday. Not his real birthday, because he was abandoned outside a vet's office when he was several months old. My boyfriend at the time and I both have birthdays on the 27th, so voila!
Probably not the right month either, since we were working on the vet's best estimate of his age.
But we are all quite sure that he is three years old today! Give or take 2 months!
I finally bought an external hard drive yesterday because my laptop hard drive has been 90+% full fordamnever. It has 10x the capacity of my laptop's hd, and it is barely larger than my cell phone. Granted, I have a large-ish cell phone. Speaking of, totally want a
Treo Pro but it's $200 with the 2 year-contract, so I'm thinking that can wait. But the paint is chipping off my poor Treo 680 :( It's had a rough life.
Now am off to buy a small quantity of summery clothing, because it was ninety degrees fahrenheit here yesterday!
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