wherein I fail at a Leverage (re)watch, and NCIS: with new and improved slash goggles

Feb 24, 2009 23:32

I sort of checked out of Leverage around episode 7, after being massively confused by the screwed-up character development, but when I saw that the rebroadcast was in a different order, I decided to give it a shot. Unfortunately, I got distracted by people arriving at the beginning of the 12 Step Job, and never really picked up the thread of the episode, and gave up again. (Also, realized I wasn't going to watch the David Job episodes because of the Presidents address tonight, so it seemed pointless to try to plow through the rest. Oh well.)

Episodes I did manage to watch today, for reference

The Nigerian Job: (didn't rewatch - but it was still first! *grin*)

The Homecoming Job: I have nothing new to say, but that I still love Eliot identifying gunfire on a home video by sound ("It's a very distinctive sound.") and the likely origin of a hit man by his knife-fighting style ("It's a very distinctive style.") Oh, Eliot. May they continue to play up that fist/brain contrast.

Er, also. Seriously, Nate's accents? Was that a bad Kennedy impression or what? I have never heard anyone talk like that in my life, and I've talked to people from pretty much everywhere in the US.

The Wedding Job: I was much happier with this earlier in the arc, although I was a tiny bit thrown by the depth of the Sophie/Nate. Maybe if I'd watched the introduction in The Nigerian Job again it wouldn't have seemed so heavy-handed. Nate's overly controlling attitude seemed right at home with a team that had just barely committed to more than "just this job" and an unsettled dynamic.

Nate: Let's go rob Nicky Marscone - someone who kills people and lives in our city

Also, I much preferred the Alec and Eliot exchange about the marriage thing with Two Horse properly stowed at the end of the season.

Eliot: She married someone else
Alec: Damn, what'd you do?
Eliot: What'd I do? I liberated Croatia
Alec: I'd have got fat, started up a comic book shop - that's you and me right there

I'm starting to tire of Alec's schtick a bit, but this is still a classic
"Have you been to Kiev? The cake-maker of Kiev would whup all our asses. This is the butcher"

The Juror #6 Job: Hadn't seen this one before, and truth be told, I got distracted a few times during this viewing, but I liked it enough that I'll rewatch it on purpose whenever I find some time. I think I would have been really confused by Parker in this when it was set later in the season. I think I can write off her batshit crazy in Stork Job as being triggered, so I sort of like her steps toward normalcy here

The 12-step Job: Like I said, missed the beginning. Picked up bits and pieces in the middle, adored the last scene where Parker comes running up to them before her happy pills wear off, but I feel like they were playing Nate's "I need a drink" for broad comedy, and that disappointed me. Definitely need to rewatch that one.

The Snow Job: Still hate the short guy. Spent the whole 20 minutes that I managed to slog through this thinking "Napoleon Complex" and sort of alternately hating myself and whoever cast/wrote him.

The Miracle Job: Blah, blah, blahity, blah. It was fine, I'm sure.

(Alec punches a guy in his recently-dislocated shoulder)
Alec: Did you see that?
Eliot: He was injured.
Alec: Somebody got to fight the injured. Shoot, that's my niche

I gave up about where Alec's wearing the yellow rain suit, so did not watch: The Stork Job (seen it), The Bank Shot Job (seen it, would have tuned back in if I'd remembered, 'cause it's one of my favorites), The Mile High Job (meh), The Two Horse Job (seen it) and The First David Job and the Second David Job.

I must say, I still really enjoy Eliot's randomly encyclopedic knowledge.

And after 5 hours, more or less, the thing I came away with was that The Juror #6 Job is all Star Trek, all the time, featuring Data (Brent Spiner) and Quark (Armin Shimerman). Also, hello Lauren Holly! Good to see that you're still getting the overbearing bitch roles.

And speaking of Lauren Holly, I tuned in to NCIS for the first time in two seasons so as to have the TV already on at 9 for the address. I think I've seen all the episodes, or close enough, through the end of season 4, and apparently things have happened since then. Who knew?

This is also the first episode I've watched since tearing through a bunch of Gibbs/DiNozzo fic (and some misc other stuff, but it was all early-season with various and sundry outdated references to canon). My (everyone's?) favorite part of their dynamic is Gibbs being protective of his people and Tony being more capable than what he projects, and there really wasn't much of either in this episode but oh, was there other awesomeness fodder.

If ever an episode was begging for a subtle rewrite for relationshipiness, in absence of actual h/c. this one was. Let's see:

1) Tony has expectations of a massive inheritance coming his way and Gibbs actually asks him if he's planning on leaving! Which feeds both the "I can't fuck a subordinate" and "Why are you abandoning me" threads.

2) Camping! In the wilderness! Tony with muscles in need of massage! Bedrolls! Oh, except for the sheriff with them who probably has hearing like whoa.

3) Gibbs taking out a helicopter pilot - in motion, through the windshield - with some random Badlands sheriff's shotgun! Okay, this has almost nothing to do with the ship, but he was saving Tony, and himself, at least.

4) Returning to the office after 2-3 days on horseback, and McGee makes a comment about Tony being able to sit down.

It's almost enough to make me want to write it, but I'm sure someone else will cover it!

leverage, ncis, tv

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