My shoulder is broken, by which I mean it is not working as intended. There is an actual injury, though it is of the muscular type rather than the skeletal. More correctly, I think it is my neck that's the injured part, but not even I would try to get away with saying my neck was broken.
So long as I don't hunch or shrug my shoulder, or turn my head to the left, or breathe vigoously, I'm fine. We'll see how much trouble sleeping on it causes.Sammy really, really wanted to catch a bird today. My poor thwarted Mighty Hunter spent all afternoon with his tail thwapping against the window. I feel bad, sometimes, about things like that. He loves when a fly gets into the house. Highlight of his week, every time.
If I was still living with my parents, I'd be tempted to let him be a basement mouser. That is, I would if I could find a vet to assure me that he wouldn't catch something deadly in the process. My parents are already killing the mice, and that's beyond my power or desire to change.
Besides the fact that there's no way I'd let him be an outdoor cat, because he would definitely get eaten or hit by a car, I will also never have an outdoor cat because they kill songbirds in really ridiculous numbers. I would have a citation for that if all my grad school stuff wasn't boxed in the garage. If only Sammy could be trained to just thirst for the blood of invasive species...I was rereading the discussion at
dw_suggestions about
adding a like button. I know there was a discussion a while back about using polls as feedback for fic, but if there's been meta about general entry feedback, I missed it.
Yeah, my socialization issues, let me show you them.
I have been known to not comment on things that I read, which comes as a total shock, I'm sure. Most of the time it's because I didn't have anything productive to say; sometimes if it because I don't have anything productive to say, and don't want to look like an idiot. Sometimes it is also because of the LJ/fandom culture of replying to comments, and if someone's already got 80 comments that say "this is awesome!" I do not want to make the author generate comment-reply #81 saying "thank you!" Yes, even though I believe that the author would probably like having 81 comments rather than 80. I make much more of an effort to comment if something's still on the first page when I get to it.
To make a long story medium-long: I am a big fan of the lowest possible barriers to feedback.
(Some) people seem to really hate that "like" button. I understand that people have issues about the "like" term, but a lot of people seem particularly angry at the possibility of someone leaving a *thing* on their entry, rather than a carefully composed comment. I am in the camp that would be happier knowing someone made it through all the words and had an impulse other than navigating away as fast as possible.
As an aside, my favorite "like" story is this: Months ago, I did two stupid things. My facebook status was, "4 hours into final throw-out/cleaning of apartment kitchen, I punctured my finger on a sharp piece of plastic, and then dropped a bottle of soy sauce, which shattered. So, salt in an open wound, literally and metaphorically."
One of my friends "liked" the status, which I was totally happy with because whenever it's possible, I phrase my status updates to be entertaining rather than informative. The first commenter took issue with "liking" my disaster. Are you tired of having like in quotes? I am.
It's just, sometimes I would really like a button to click instead of spending five minutes rephrasing whatever I was going to say. Because when I am interacting with other people in text, in their space, I am obsessive like that. If you define "leave feedback" as "interact with the author in some way, as opposed to not at all" I would totally leave more feedback if I could do that. While I am annoyed by my inability to comment gracefully, I am not at all embarrassed by it.
I think I'm going to start including a tickeh box poll at the end of my fic entries, should I ever write anything ever again. Maybe on longer thinky things, as well, if I can manage to keep my entries to a single subject (unlikely). I remember someone having a "liked it/didn't like it/no opinion" box, but I think I would lean towards "I made it to the end!" I would totally do that in the footer of every entry if it didn't mean making eleventy billion polls.
ETA: I read these forever ago, and then forgot they existed:
Dreamwidth Design Personas. My desire for clicky approval thing? All Lisa.