Am I right in thinking that there is a creepy/possibly dangerous character in a movie who says, "Hello, poppet"? (or 'ello, as it were, with some vaguely British accent) Or have I just creepified the phrase in my memory for no good reason?
I haven't seen the first performance show for SYTYCD Canada yet, but I am about 10x more excited for the dancers than I was for this season's US group. And so many of the people I liked in auditions made it through!
I had an idea for an Arthur/Eames snippet while making pie pastry tonight. Said idea has nothing to do with pie pastry, for the record. I'm considering trying to shoehorn it into silence porn for
kink_bingo. If anyone would like to suggest a semi-public location (for these purposes, the odder the better, seriously) that would require silence, I am open to suggestion.
Wholly unrelated to any of that: While I am capable of being elitist about many, many things, I am not generally elitist about people's gear in MMOs. However, there's this addon in WoW (that I have been trying to ignore since I started playing again) that assigns a numerical value to people's gear. Literally minutes after installing it, I was having disparaging thoughts about people in my group whose gear was (numerically! theoretically!) worse than mine.
Here endeth the entry.
ETA: ha-ha, I lied, because I hadnt checked ye olde reading page recently.
Glen Weldon at Monkey See
writes about Read Comics in Public Day.
What do you want?
To peruse sequential art in the bright light of the upper world without getting accosted by street toughs!
When do you want it?
Now would be good! If that's okay!