I'm playing Yellow from a month or so after the events of Emerald Arc (she'll be updated with HGSS if she plays a part). I've been playing her for what feels like a very long time now, but I'd still love to hear any suggestions one might have to improve her. so if you have suggestions for how she sounds and acts, please tell me here!
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And I see your point, it's a very valid one - I also have a hard time seeing her going for Gold instead of Red in her canon, too. But as is the usual case, somehow roleplaying changed the pace!
It's partially a fun little run to see if she really is compatible with someone other than Red, and really, there's no harm in that. In the end, if you ship Red/Yellow that's what you'll ship first and foremost, and truthbetold I'm still a hardcore shipper of it myself. But I saw no real problem in testing the waters otherwise.
It's not necessarily that she forgot about Red. It's more that she did have feelings for him, but since they were somewhat at a standstill due to Red's nature of wandering around and disappearing for long periods of time, it was kind of hard on her. And who was there but Gold to help her cope?
It's sort of that soap opera silly romance that's really attributed to her switch, because really, if Red wanted to keep her, she would have stuck to him. It's just hard on me playing her when no one wants to play a Red constantly enough for me to rp out my otp, so I moved it elsewhere.
I don't think it's entirely ooc, given that the situation is entirely different from what she would experience in canon (since in canon, there's entirely too many things to worry about to even think of relationships), but I'd like to hear what you still think now that you've heard from me.
But I'd also just like to add that although I do want to play her ICly... I'd be a liar if I said I wasn't playing out her relationship with Gold just for fun. But really, what's wrong with that? I think a Dressing Room is a perfect place to experiment with random stuff like that, moreso than an rp that you write an application for.
I'm going to unscreen this because it's some awesome crit and it might be a question that others share with you.
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