Jun 11, 2008 21:47
This is justice?
My son is in jail awaiting trial (i.e.: not convicted) for something he did not do, want to do, try to do, or is even interested in doing and for which, any one of you reading this can have happen.
He gets to sit and look at four brick walls 23/7 and walk around in a similar hall for another hour. During that hour he will try to call whomever he can get on the phone so break up the boredom. And hopefully relieve his soul of some torment if there someone on the other end of the line listening to him.
For meals, he gets beans (doesn't eat them), milk (can't drink it), and lots of bread. Some fruit.
The most nutrition he gets is from the beef jerky's, peanuts, and snickers he buys with the commissary money we add to his account each week. He eats the SAME thing, every day every week. Day in and day out. Not enough for someone his size. No vitamins, no sunshine....ever. At least not since May 6th when he went in there. They will not let him out awaiting his trial (Sept. 2nd). That means no Vitamin D, which your body can ONLY make from sunshine and which, if deficient, will cause rickets. Look it up if you're interested.
The lights are turned on at 4:30 AM and off at 11:00 PM. The rest of the time he gets to sit and stare at the walls or maybe write letters to his wife waiting for the time he can call her again tomorrow.
He cannot watch TV, can't go onto a computer to do this kind of stuff, see cute things in shops to buy (that would be IF he didn't get fired from his job b/c the prosecution wanted to be sure he was left TO ROT IN JAIL ALONE), or even go to BK for a change of meals and some variety.
He even has to crap in front of the four to eight other men in the cell with him. The rest of us, maybe we don't have to think too hard about that and maybe, if we can ignore it long enough, it will all go away and we will forget. Doubtful. Unless of course, you are one of the few people who really do care about other people. Unfortunately, I have not seen a lot of that recently. And that hurts the most.
I guess that along with believing in the American dream and all that BS, I also believed that the people who supposedly cared about him the most would have the maturity to support, believe in, and stand by him through all this. This includes all his "friends" who, now that he is not readily available for them to take advantage of, never show up or even call to ask about him.
Just want to say to you all, congratulations on your abilities to add to his misery and sadness right now. Not that any of us actually truly have any power to change this horrendous situation much, but it would be nice if you all just faked it for a while longer so you don't add to his pain.
But, have a good night. I myself have to get up by 5:15 AM so I can get to the jail in time for the only time he is allowed visitors each week and which he anticipates greatly.