Got to Move More

Oct 09, 2006 16:03

Yes, I believe that it has finally caught up with me!
I bet it is because of my ailing hip that makes me want to sit around more than I am accustomed to doing. Or, it can be due to that horror that comes with age, "Artie -ritis", as my patients would say.
Whatever! It sucks! What you say? Well, it is the dreaded "Middle Age Spread"!
Yes, I think I caught it, or my vaccine must have worn out somewhere in the last year or so.
I bet my immunity to it was all used up during that hysterectomy they made me have last year.
Maybe it was attached to my uterus! Eureka! That's it! My immunity to "the spread" was attached to my uterus! That would be a good study!
I wonder, if I came up with a research hypothesis to study that subject, do you think I could get a grant from the NIH or some other rich institution?
Yeah, I didn't think so.
Eh! I'm normal.
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