For health reasons, the kitchens and cooking spaces have been ordered to undergo a thorough cleaning to treat a minor infestation of Rot Weevils in some of the castle's food stores. Rot Weevils, while not dangerous to humans or animals, are known to spoil food and to cause severe gastrointestinal problems in persons who have eaten spoiled food. To prevent a recurrence of the 1879 Summer Sickness (see Hogwarts, A History pp. 345-47 for more information), the house elves and the staff have been working to remove any spoiled food and ensure that no more food will go bad in the meantime.
Since Rot Weevils are notorious for spreading rapidly, I must request that any student who has perishable food stored in their dormitory (including but not limited to baked goods, confectionaries, bottled and brewed beverages, fruits, vegetables, and other animal products) bring said food to the kitchens AS SOON AS POSSIBLE for examination and disposal. Do NOT attempt to eat the food first in order to 'see if it's fresh'.
It is always been to be safe than sorry if you are unsure. I realise that this may seem a extreme reaction to such a minor problem, but trust your School Healer on this matter -- you do NOT want to spend two weeks in bed with a basin and a damp face flannel as your sole companions.
We are ordering more food to compensate. No one will go hungry. Do NOT owl home, asking for food parcels, as the staff will have to confiscate and destroy the food parcel to prevent further contamination. If you have any questions, please address them to your Head of House or to me personally.
[Private to Professors and Staff]
By now you'll have realised that it's much more than a minor infestation.
Severus, are any of your potions or stores in danger from these vermin? And if you are available this evening, would you please help me fumigate the last of the storerooms?
Flora, are any of your plants in danger as well?
Filius, would you be willing to help out this evening in case students bring any food down to the kitchens for examination? (Not that I expect many will -- greedy little children would rather hoard their treasures like gold, even if it means they'll suffer for it later.)
[Private to Albus and Minerva]
I don't have a list of what's been ruined. You may as well assume that whatever was ordered last month will need to be ordered again, and double the amount.
Albus, if you would, will you please speak to the house-elves and calm them down? They'll listen to you -- well, as much as they'll listen to anyone.
I swear, if I see one more wretched house-elf trying to scald itself in a pot of boiling water, I'll pick it up and drop it head-first in the pot myself!