You say love is a hell you cannot bear and i say give me mine back and then go there for all i care

Feb 03, 2004 14:43

1. Exotic Foreigner Alias [ Favorite Spice + Last Foreign Vacation Spot ] Cinnamon Mexico
2. Socialite Alias [ Silliest Childhood Nickname + Town Where You First Partied ] Starr Milford
3. "Fly Girl" Alias [ First Initial + First 2 or 3 Letters of Your Last Name ] C. Si.
4. Diva Alias [ Something Sweet Within Sight + Any Liquid in Kitchen ] Godiva Dawn
5. Detective Alias [ Favorite Baby Animal + Where You Last Went to School ] Puppy Myers
6. Barfly Alias [ Last Snack Food You Ate + Your Favorite Drink ] Chocolate Tea
7. Soap Opera Alias [ Middle Name + Street You First Lived ] Leigh Third
8. Porn Star Alias [ First Pet's Name + Street You Grew Up On ] T'zu Third
9. Jedi Alias [ First 3 letters of your last name + First 2 letters of your first name, First 2 letters of your mother's maiden name + First 3 letters of your hometown] Sirch Jemil (haha i feel french..which is where my mum was born, uh oh)

Today was o-kay. i got up at 6:19, got to the front of the house at 6:20 and was ready to leave (this meant throwing on my clothes, and throwing some pins into my hair and off i went)
I got my boxes back from crafts, i got my basket back from crafts, i made designs for my ceramics in crafts.
history i got to learn all about the great war.
-----------and my gpa was a 4.14 ;(-----------
My auntie gave me a bracelet that was too small for her. [<3] and now i am off to finish my homework and all.

<33 You Guys. [::count::day two w/ sara in israel::count::]
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