8th Adventure!

Jan 12, 2008 11:04

...HELLO, FILMING EQUIPMENT. And here I almost got a job to pay for something better than a digital camera! Thanks for bringing these from the clubroom, you generous kidnappers! A nifty alien artifact would have been cooler, though!

So now I can put my detective movie plot into play! The title is...

Hourglass Detective; The Worlds of Many!

It's the story of a lone detective with a tragic past, who travels through time to solve the mysteries of the present, accompanied by a secret-agent ESPer and a seemingly normal secretary with a nasty secret! It'll be AWESOME! If anything, it'll be just as successful as my last movie!

Well!? Well!? It's a great idea, right? The script is almost done, too! I'll need a main character, the love interest, the damsel in distress, the traitor character, the main villain, a lot of extras, the martyr--the list goes on and on! Come on, people! I know there are wonderful talented actors out there!

[ooc; Mod-approved plotty-ness go! More to come on poly_extra. ♥ As for the linked video, it's probably uploaded IC-ly, so feel free to have a character note it or not.]

movie get!, haruhi wants you!, plotting something

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